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# Welcome to atlantica oceanic

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Patch notes September 2 of 2 2023

Patch Notes September 2 OF 2


Apostle Set (Magic is applied effectively. However, the visual effect will be on the next patch.)

Gigas Golem Steam Puzzle


    3 New Events have been added on top of the current ones: October 1 to November 30!

    Daily Month Reward October/November (2 Different Boards)

    Infinity Challange (Server Time: 2-7-11-15-19-23)

        Npc Infinity Mercurius Located in Rome 12 Temples Area 

    Server Mission (Boosted rewards for the anniversary period)

    Atlas Consumption Reduction changed from 40 to 50% in October & November. (Further Info for December will be announced on the November Patch.)

    Milky Way  Adjustments

        Merchant: Some Prices were lowered & limitations were set for some of the boxes to prevent exploits

        Very Low Aggro has been set

    Acong Water Park 

        The number of Monsters has been increased

        Very low Aggro has been Set 

12 Temps Adjustments

    New Rings, Necklaces And Bracelets Models have been added

    Stats Have been boosted from all of them

        Each one of them has a specific -AP Mod towards a different class, with the exception of Aquarius Piscis and Ophiucus, as they got Several -AP Mod Balanced.

        Each Set of Earrings has A counter Skill Associated with the AP Mod. For Example, Capricornio Earring has -AP mod towards Chainsaw Plus and has a skill to back up. In this scenario, Seal chainsaw

    The number of Guardians from each temple has been increased from 2 to 5

    The aggressiveness of each temple (With the exception of Guardians) has been lowered in order to allow easy Access (Subject to change)


    Experience obtained from the Platinum Coin has been lowered


    OC Gold Coin now has a new Image

    Abyssal and eternal can be repaired 

    2nd anniversary set stats slightly reduce

        Changed to NT to prevent Exploits 

    3rd Anniversary Set has been added (NT)

        It can be founded on Exploration in the first Month!


    All the TBS reward boxes have been boosted

        *Craft Experience & Treasure Maps has been replaced by OC Gold Coin

PVP-PVE Adjustments


EVA SCUD, CHAOS WIND, & BRAK DOWN now have similar Scaling DMG from lvl 70+

All 3 Skills Last for 1 Turn, and if lvl 80 only has 1 Turn CD


Electro Field

AP consumption has increased

MP consumption has been increased

Parting Shot

Multi-Hit Rate has been slightly reduced.

Chao Edge 

DMG Increased

Scaling DMG from level 70

War Cry

DMG Highly Increased

Scaling DMG has been added

Multi-Hit Rate Enemy Reduction Increased

Critical DMG Enemy Reduction Increased

AP Drain has been added

Flame Sword

DMG Increased

Spirit Echo

DMG Increased

Scaling: Enemy Magic Defense Reduction Increased

MP Consumption Reformulated


ATTK Buff has been increased

The hit Rate has been increased

MDEF AND STR Buff has been added

MP consumption has been increased

Beast Soul

Overall Stats has highly increased

The CD has been reduced from 3 to 2

MP Consumption Reformulated

Beast Summon

Duration DMG Increase 2 Turn 

MP Consumption Increased

CD Reduce from 3 to 2

DMG Increased

Scaling DMG has been added

MP, VIT & EV Enemy Reduction has been added

Storm Blast

Duration increased to 3 turns

CD Added to 1 Turn

DMG Increased

Scaling DMG Added

Multi-Hit Rate Enemy Reduction Increased

MP Consumption Reformulated

Please be aware this PVE/PVP Changes are subject to change!