Patch notes November 2023
Main Class Base Stats PVP-PVE Adjustments
Electrofield damage has been reduced.
Vitality (VIT) - Increased for better survivability.
Dexterity (Dex) - Enhanced to improve agility and evasion.
Magical Defense (MDef) - Raised to bolster resistance against magic.
Strength (STR) - Boosted
Dexterity (Dex) - Uplifted to augment critical hits and precision.
Magical Defense (MDef) - Enhanced to defend against magical damage.
Magical Defense (MDef) - Significantly increased for improved magical defense.
Intelligence (Int) - Boosted to amplify magical attacks and spell effectiveness.
Dual Sword
Dexterity (Dex) - Increased
Multi-Hit Rate - Enhanced
PVE-PVP Balance Considerations
Mercenaries PVP Adjustments
Beast Tamer
Damage scaling reduced for better PVP balance.
Endowed Turn Back from 2 to 1.
Damage scaling decreased.
AP mode reduction is now more pronounced.
-"Preemptive Strike" has a stronger debuff, requires more AP, and MP usage has been adjusted.
"Shackles of the Thicket" - Now affects an entire column.
HP Drain increased and MP Drain added.
"Wildwood Regeneration" - Enhanced HP healing.
"Evergreen Grace" - Now grants Magical Defense.
"Healing Pulse" now has:
Increased healing output.
Reduced cooldown (CD) from 3 to 2 turns.
Reduced lasting turns from 3 to 2.
Increased AP consumption and reformulated MP usage.
"Hallucination" adjustments:
AP cost reduced.
Debuff damage increased.
"Tarkan's Will" improvements:
Overall buff has been increased.
"Claving Blows" now has:
Increased debuff damage.
Magic Defense reduction added.
Multi Hit Rate reduction added.
MP consumption reformulated.
Additional Adjustments
Monster Invasion Timing
Time adjusted to 23:00 instead of 00:00 to prevent bugs during reset.
Market Place and NPC Adjustments
Oceanic Arena
Teleport location moved to 12 temples area.
NPCs have been relocated to outside the gate.
Market Place
Teleport shortcut issue has been resolved.
New teleport redirection to Southern Europe added.
Sloth NPC Exchange is now in place (replaces 12 temples clockwatch NPC).
Witch Princess added (next to the gate for Witch Hunt).
Lunabella (Halloween Daily Quest NPC) added inside Witch Hunt Dungeon.
Map and Event Updates
"Witch Hunts" (Event Dungeon) introduced in the Rome 12 temples area.
Teleports added to Valley of Fear & Fire, Eremos of Blight, and Valley of Gyeophwa.
New Witch Hunt Halloween Event
Get ready for spooky challenges and rewards!
Ordinary & True Witch Sets added (available 24 hours after this patch)
Sae Electric Guitar can now be enhanced to lvl 10 using atlas (Safe & Normal).