Patch Notes 1.0
Before we reveal the new patch notes content allows us to give you some pieces of information regarding the server status and upcoming content.
While it is true that lately, it seemed that we were absent please understand that we are regular people just like you, and even tho we love what we do in terms of working on the server and bringing more and more new exciting things, we do have a real-life and sometimes new projects might be delayed just because of that: Real-Life.
Now onto some more Content-related news
While evaluating the current situation of the server regarding player's satisfaction when it comes down to Farming, we noticed that in certain areas where the difficulty is somehow high the loot does not match with it.
That does not match with what we want to offer you and therefore things will change starting with this Maintenance. In short words, we will begin to improve the drop rate and amount(if that's the case) in areas that we consider is necessary.
With that said here are the new changes coming with this Patch Notes:
- Server refresh and database backup.
- Fixed the Legion boxes drop in their designated areas.
- Changed from Dailly Reset to Unlimited all Items sold by NPC's (this includes Art Gallery NPC and others).
- Level 170 Main Quest temporary fix: All Quest Items are on Oceanic NPC 2nd Tab 3rd Page.
- Improved the drop rate in Hall of Chaos and Shadow Hall of Chaos
- Improved the drop rate and fixed the correct drop table in Antark Outpost
What this means is that now monster drops Frozen Cold Crystal. - Slightly improved the drop rate in Laziness Hell for the regular monsters.
Further improvements will happen in the future. This is more of a test. - Introducing new events:
Exploration Link for Details
Infinity Challenge Link for Details
Frozen Acongs Link for Details - Introducing new IM content:
Treasure box of Anubis
Dragon Costume box
Warm winter snow box
Barbarian Tiger box